$FOXX Info
CA: 0x89D4641528A0b10351CDD6E939E9Cb6C10Ab8B24
Chain: BSC (BinanceSmartChain, BEP20)
Max. Supply:
Circulating Supply: 800.000.000
Decimals: 18
Audit & KYC: SolidProof
DexScreener: https://dexscreener.com/bsc/0xa9d0128ffa62dc9bb2f6aebe121dd04e95125d84

What is our Plan?
FIRST - we want world domination and und passive income is what we all want - right? But how can you really achieve it? Of course, a solid basic investment is necessary to make a living, but even small amounts add up over time. How do we want to make this possible?

Real people trade
Our FOXX traders work almost around the clock. We actively trade with 50% of the money we receive. We pay meticulous attention to good risk management. Therefore, we do not promise 1% per day, but constant rewards.

Active BTC Mining
Bitcoin miners are expensive, but still very lucrative. As soon as we have collected enough funds, we will buy our first miner to mine BTC for you. So you have no work to do and the rewards go straight to you.

Invest in Gold NFT
Gold is still a very good store of value and in turbulent times gold can perform well. We invest NFT gold reserves.